Prayer Meeting and Summer Reading Program
Join Us for a time of prayer every Wednesday at 7:30 pm on Zoom with the Zoom Meeting ID: 856 3801 7836
Join us this summer, reading through the New Testament!
Day 1, Sunday June 9th - Luke 1; John 1:1-14
Day 2, Monday June 10th - Matthew 1; Luke 2:1-38
Day 3, Tuesday June 11th - Matthew 2; Luke 2:39-52
Day 4, Wednesday June 12th - Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3
Day 5, Thursday June 13th - Matthew 4;Luke 4-5;John 1:15-51
Day 6, Friday June 14th - John 2-4
Day 7, Saturday June 15th - Mark 2
Day 8, Sunday June 16th - John 5
Day 9, Monday June 17th - Matthew 12:1-21; Mark 3; Luke 6
Day 10, Tuesday June 18th - Matthew 5-7
Day 11, Wednesday June 19th - Matthew 8:1-13; Luke 7
Day 12, Thursday June 20th - Matthew 11
Day 13, Friday June 21st - Matthew 12:22-50; Luke 11
Day 14, Saturday June 22nd - Matthew 13; Luke 8
Day 15, Sunday June 23rd - Matthew 8:14-34; Mark 4-5
Day 16, Monday June 24th - Matthew 9-10
Day 17, Tuesday June 25th - Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9:1-17
Day 18, Wednesday June 26th - John 6
Day 19, Thursday June 27th - Matthew 15; Mark 7
Day 20, Friday June 28th - Matthew 16; Mark 8; Luke 9:18-27
Day 21, Saturday June 29th - Matthew 17; Mark 9; Luke 9:28-62
Day 22, Sunday June 30th - Matthew 18
Day 23, Monday July 1st - John 7-8
Day 24, Tuesday July 2nd - John 9:1-41, John 10:1-21
Day 25, Wednesday July 3rd - Luke 10; John 10:22-42
Day 26, Thursday July 4th - Luke 12-13
Day 27, Friday July 5th - Luke 14-15
Day 28, Saturday July 6th - Luke 16; Luke 17:1-10
Day 29, Sunday July 7th - John 11
Day 30, Monday July 8th - Luke 17:11-37; Luke 18:1-14
Day 31, Tuesday July 9th - Matthew 19; Mark 10
Day 32, Wednesday July 10th - Matthew 20-21
Day 33, Thursday July 11th - Luke 18:15-43; Luke 19:1-48
Day 34, Friday July 12th - Mark 11; John 12
Day 35, Saturday July 13th - Matthew 22; Mark 12
Day 36, Sunday July 14th - Matthew 23; Luke 20-21
Day 37, Monday July 15th - Mark 13
Day 38, Tuesday July 16th - Matthew 24
Day 39, Wednesday July 17th - Matthew 25
Day 40, Thursday July 18th - Matthew 26; Mark 14
Day 41, Friday July 19th - Luke 22, John 13
Day 42, Saturday July 20th - John 14-17
Day 43, Sunday July 21st- Matthew 27; Mark 15
Day 44, Monday July 22nd - Luke 23; John 18-19
Day 45, Tuesday July 23rd - Matthew 28; Mark 16
Day 46, Wednesday July 24th - Luke 24; John 20-21
Day 47, Thursday July 25th - Acts 1-3
Day 48, Friday July 26th - Acts 4-6
Day 49, Saturday July 27th - Acts 7-8
Day 50, Sunday July 28th - Acts 9-10
Day 51, Monday July 29th - Acts 11-12
Day 52, Tuesday July 30th - Acts 13-14
Day 53, Wednesday July 31st- James 1-5
Day 54, Thursday August 1st - Acts 15-16
Day 55, Friday August 2nd - Galatians 1-3
Day 56, Saturday August 3rd - Galatians 4-6
Day 57, Sunday August 4th - Acts 17; Acts 18:1-18
Day 58, Monday August 5th - 1 Thessalonians 1-5, 2 Thess. 1-3
Day 59, Tuesday August 6th - Acts 18:19-28; Acts 19:1-41
Day 60, Wednesday August 7th- 1 Corinthians 1-4
Day 61, Thursday August 8th - 1 Corinthians 5-8
Day 62, Friday August 9th - 1 Corinthians 9-11
Day 63, Saturday August 10th - 1 Corinthians 12-14
Day 64, Sunday August 11th - 1 Corinthians 15-16
Day 65, Monday August 12th - 2 Corinthians 1-4
Day 66, Tuesday August 13th - 2 Corinthians 5-9
Day 67, Wednesday August 14th - 2 Corinthians 10-13
Day 68, Thursday August 15th - Acts 20:1-3; Romans 1-3
Day 69, Friday August 16th - Romans 4-7
Day 70, Saturday August 17th - Romans 8-10
Day 71, Sunday August 18th - Romans 11-13
Day 72, Monday August 19th - Romans 14-16
Day 73, Tuesday August 20th - Acts 20:4-38; Acts 22; Acts 23:1-35
Day 74, Wednesday August 21st - Acts 24-26
Day 75, Thursday August 22nd - Acts 27-28
Day 76, Friday August 23rd - Colossians 1-4; Philemon
Day 77, Saturday August 24th - Ephesians 1-6
Day 78, Sunday August 25th - Philippians 1-4
Day 79, Monday August 26th - 1 Timothy 1-6
Day 80, Tuesday August 27th - Titus 1-3
Day 81, Wednesday August 28th -1 Peter 1-5
Day 82, Thursday August 29th - Hebrews 1-6
Day 83, Friday August 30th - Hebrews 7-10
Day 84, Saturday August 31st - Hebrews 11-13
Day 85, Sunday September 1st - 2 Timothy 1-4
Day 86, Monday September 2nd - 2 Peter 1-3; Jude
Day 87, Tuesday September 3rd - 1 John 1-5
Day 88, Wednesday September 4th -2 John; 3 John
Day 89, Thursday September 5th - Revelation 1-5
Day 90, Friday September 6th - Revelation 6-11
Day 91, Saturday September 7th - Revelation 12-18
Day 92, Sunday September 8th - Revelation 19-22